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What is the Republican Theocracy?

The current crop of political leaders infesting Congress and the White House have blurred the lines between Church and State. They want to put religious institutions on the public dole. They want open, Christian prayers said in school every day. They want to plaster the word of God in secular places. They believe in their personal divinity and the righteousness of their cause. They are convinced their cause is just, which means any other cause is, well, evil. The world is black and white again. There are no more complex solutions to subjective questions. Welcome back to the myth of the 1950's. Welcome back to the nation of Israel in the Old Testament. Welcome back to the Middle Ages and the Crusades.

Where did they come from?

The "Born Again" movement was a direct response to the free love of the 1960's - a counter-culture counter-attack! It started with the most innocent and righteous propositions, that people needed to "get right with God." And it worked! People flocked to the waters of Born Again in the same way the people of Jerusalem flocked to be baptized by John. And like the ancient people wanting to be "seen" getting baptized in the wilderness, the born again spirituality was less about one's private faith and more about one's public faith. The born again crowd wanted to see people pray and wanted to be seen praying.

Early in the movement political leaders emerged. Ralph Reed and Jerry Falwell entered the limelight, working with the Republican Party. They crafted the social message for Ronald Reagan and the rest of the new Republican leadership. Soon, these born again Christians turned into a political voting block. They began the long task of taking over the Republican party through persistence and stealth. They showed up at the meetings. They were loud. They were driven. They manned the phones. They got out the vote. The organized rallies.

Over time the theocrats took control of the Republican party. Look around the big Republican tent. There are no young fiscal conservatives, only young credit-card theocrats. There are no reasonable doves, only vitriolic hawks. You will not see a fiscal conservative / social moderate elected as a Republican ever again. You now have Presidential candidates bending over backwards to embrace school prayer, pro-life, and intelligent design. Fiscal responsibility is no longer a Republican concern. Fighting communism is no longer a concern. Keeping America out of foreign entanglements is no longer a concern. Republicans now care about making money and saving stem cells. Oh, and breaking the bank spending on the American war machine.

Where are they taking us?

The Republican theocrats are taking America backwards - taking us back into a mythical "better time" that never really existed. They declared war on science with Intelligent Design. They declared war on truth with the their pro-life / pro-war hypocrisy. They even declared war on Jesus with their born again Old Testament beliefs. They are ready to insert themselves in between you and God. They are gearing up to spy on us and censor us. They are ready to outlaw social behaviors they don't like. They will force you to hear their evangelical message. They honestly believe they know what's best for you.

Be afraid, be very afraid.


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